Lalai Khan

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West Indies

Alphabetically sorted top ten of players who have played the most matches across formats in the last 12 months

Full Name

Lalai Khan

Batting Style

Right hand Bat

Recent Matches of Lalai Khan

Boost vs Speen-Ghar15 & 350c/1s & 2c/0s17-Jun-2022KandaharOTHER
Helmand vs Kabul230c/0s22-Mar-2022AmanullahOTHEROD
Helmand vs Paktika92c/0s18-Mar-2022AmanullahOTHEROD
Helmand vs ACBC XI280c/0s16-Mar-2022AmanullahOTHEROD
Helmand vs Kunduz293c/0s13-Mar-2022AmanullahOTHEROD